
MSI PI David Odde (professor, Biomedical Engineering) has been elected a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering. This honor recognizes outstanding contributions to the profession of medical and biological engineering. The 2019 Fellows will be inducted into the Academy at a meeting in September.
Two MSI PIs are co-leaders on two National Institutes of Health grants awarded to fund projects that aim to develop better ways to diagnose autism in children. Both grants were announced in late May.
Professor Brenda Ogle, an MSI PI from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been named head of the department. This promotion takes effect on July 1, 2019. An article about Professor Ogle and her research can be found on the BME website.
The Spring issue of the University of Minnesota Foundation’s Legacy magazine features a story about MSI PI Theresa Reineke (professor, Chemistry). Professor Reineke is investigating methods of delivering gene therapy using polymer-based carriers. Using this method would considerably lower the cost of gene therapy. The Reineke research group uses MSI resources for these studies.
MSI PI Clark Chen (professor and head, Neurosurgery) is featured in a tv news story about a young man who is participating in a clinical trial of a treatment for glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer. The treatment uses a genetically engineered virus to kill tumor cells. The story can be found on the KSTP-TV website: Clinical Trial at U of M Brings Hope to One Cancer Patient.
Several MSI PIs are studying the brain and its development. Two of them, A. David Redish (professor, Neuroscience) and Esther Krook-Magnuson (assistant professor, Neuroscience), are featured in the Spring 2019 issue of Legacy magazine by the University of Minnesota Foundation.
MSI Richard James (professor, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics) has received a 2019 Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship from the US Department of Defense. Professor James is one of only 10 recipients of the award for this year. The fellowship is the most prestigious single-investigator award presented by the DOD.
The University of Minnesota Duluth's Large Lakes Observatory (LLO), which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, has added cameras to observation buoys on Lake Superior. The buoys gather information about air and water temperatures, wind speed and direction, wave height, and solar radiation. This information is valuable to ships, fishermen, and meteorologists.
MSI PIs Mark Herzberg (professor, Diagnostic and Biological Sciences; Masonic Cancer Center) and Gianluigi Veglia (professor, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics) are authors on a paper that reveals a new signaling pathway that helps bacteria survive in dental plaque. The pathway regulates surface proteins that allow bacteria to adhere to surfaces.
MSI PI Gene-Hua (Crystal) Ng (Earth Sciences) studies connections between the hydrological cycle and other aspects of the environment. Professor Ng uses MSI to run computational models to investigate the influence of groundwater on how sulfate loading in streams and lakes may affect wild rice, and how changing vegetation conditions impact groundwater recharge.
MSI PI Jaime Modiano (professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences; Masonic Cancer Center) is interviewed about hemangiosarcoma, a very deadly form of canine cancer. You can read the interview on the University News site: Talking Canine Cancer Awareness With UMN.
The research group of MSI PI Jed Elison (assistant professor, Institute of Child Development) is featured in the Spring/Summer 2019 issue of the College of Education and Human Development’s magazine CE+HD Connect. The article features three post-docs in the Elison lab. You can read the article on the college website: Pathway to the Future.
MSI PI Laura Gagliardi (Chemistry; Director, Chemical Theory Center; Director, Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center; Nanoporous Materials Genome Center) been named a McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair.
Two MSI PIs have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors that can be given to a US scientist or engineer.
All MSI systems will be offline and unavailable June 3, 4, and 5 (Monday through Wednesday) for a building-wide power outage and monthly system maintenance. The power outage is required to upgrade Walter Library’s main electrical systems. The upgraded electrical systems will help to isolate MSI’s data center from future power interruptions. Below is a rough timeline of the extended outage. Walter Library Extended Outage Timeline:   Monday, June 3:
MSI PI Bill Arnold (professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering) is an expert on household chemicals and how they persist in the environment. Professor Arnold uses MSI resources to study the processes by which pollutants persist and to design systems to remove them.
Two MSI PIs have received the President’s Award for Outstanding Service for 2019. The awards were announced this week by University President Eric Kaler. They recognize exceptional service to the University by any active or retired faculty or staff member. The MSI PIs who received the award are:
On Wednesday, May 1, 2019, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to various MSI systems. Primary Storage, Mesabi, and Itasca will be unavailable throughout much of the day. A global system reservation will start at 5:00 a.m. on May 1. Jobs that cannot be completed before 5:00 a.m. on May 1 will be held until after maintenance and then started once the system returns to production status. May maintenance will include:
U-Spatial, one of MSI’s Research Computing partners in the Office of the Vice President for Research, is featured on the OVPR’s Inquiry blog. U-Spatial provides expertise in geographical information systems (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial computing.
Research by MSI PIs from the Department of Pediatrics and the Masonic Cancer Center, Professor Logan Spector, Assistant Professor Erin Marcotte, and Associate Professor Jenny Poynter, has shown that the rates for 11 pediatric cancers increased worldwide during the period 1988 - 2012. The study used data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization.
