
  The OVPR’s Business blog recently posted a story about services that MSI is providing to a research and development team at Cargill. The project involves a problem related to poor aeration in a fermenting process. MSI assisted Cargill staff to license and install specialized software on one of the supercomputers, and are using the system to model possible solutions.  
  The Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering (VSCSE) is holding two courses this summer. These courses are open to graduate students, post-docs, and young professionals who want to expand their skills with advanced computational resources. The courses are offered at institutions around the country, allowing participants to go to the most convenient location.  
  The OVPR’s Research blog recently posted an article about the University Imaging Centers. MSI collaborates with the Imaging Centers to store their enormous data files.   The article describes some of the Imaging Centers’ projects and includes some stunning pictures created with their high-powered imaging equipment.
