
On Wednesday, April 1, from 04:00 - 15:00, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to the network and various systems.
Associate Professor Mohamed Mokbel (Computer Science and Engineering - College of Science and Engineering) has created a platform that handles very large sets of spatial data on Apache Hadoop. This platform, an open-source project, has been distributed online. Professor Mokbel’s group uses MSI resources to experiment with the platform for various operations.
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has published a list of patents that have been awarded to University researchers during the past few months. Several MSI Principal Investigators, shown below, are on this list. The complete list can be found on the OVPR's Inquiry blog post, "Patent roll call, spring 2015." 
Principal Investigator Daniel Voytas (Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development; Director, Center for Genome Engineering) is part of a research team that was recognized by MIT Technology Review as one of the ten Breakthrough Technologies of 2015.
The expertise of MSI Principal Investigator Carol Cardona, a professor in the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (College of Veterinary Medicine), has been called on extensively during the past week in articles about the avian influenza outbreak among Minnesota turkeys. Professor Cardona is an expert in infectious disease in domestic poultry. Publications in which she is quoted include:
Several MSI PIs are serving on the newly formed Grand Challenges Research Strategies Group, which has been formed to help shape research priorities under the University’s Strategic Planning initiative.
Three MSI PIs have been recognized by the U for teaching excellence.
Research supported by MSI resources and staff has been recognized as one of the most highly cited papers published in 2013 in the journal Cancer Research. Members of the research group of Assistant Professor Scott Dehm (Masonic Cancer Center) are working with members of MSI’s RISS group to study the Androgen Receptor (AR) in prostate cancer cells. They use molecular, biochemical, cell biology, and genetic approaches.
MSI Principal Investigator Mo Li, an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (College of Science and Engineering), is one of the authors of a paper in the journal Nature Photonics that reveals properties of black phosphorus films that have exciting implications in optics and photonics.
