
On Wednesday, February 4, from 04:00 - 15:00, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to the network and various systems. During this maintenance period, we will be performing the following updates:• Network upgrades (4:00 am - 5:30 am)• Upgrades to the Citrix system• Cascade system software upgrades and moab/torque upgrades• MSI-wide system reboot for new system kernel patches
MSI Principal Investigator Peter Reich (Forest Resources, College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences) is the lead author on a new study that shows that the composition of forests may change as the climate warms. In a long-term field study in northern Minnesota, the researchers simulated the effects of warmer temperatures on trees.
MSI Principal Investigator Daniel Bond (Biotechnology Institute; College of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Engineering) is studying how Geobacter microbes use metals for energy.
MSI Principal Investigator Daniel Voytas (Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development; College of Biological Sciences, Medical School) received the Entrepreneurial Researcher Award from the Office of the Vice President for Research at a ceremony in December 2014.
The sixth International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences is now accepting applications for this summer’s session, which will be held June 21-26, 2015, in Toronto, Canada. Graduate students and post-docs from Canada, Europe, Japan, and the U.S. are invited to apply. The application deadline is March 11, 2015. Application instructions and complete information about the program can be found on the Summer School website.
Professor Vipin Kumar (Head, Computer Science and Engineering; MSI Fellow) was featured in the Office of the Vice President for Research’s Annual State of Research Report. VP Brian Herman presented this report to the University Regents in December 2014.
Professor Joseph Metzger, an MSI Principal Investigator and Chair of the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, is the Principal Investigator for a $2.6 million NIH grant that will fund research into new treatments for heart attacks. The Metzger group uses MSI for molecular dynamics simulations as part of their research into proteins that affect the contraction of the heart.
Several MSI PIs were featured in 10 most-viewed stories that appeared in the OVPR’s Inquiry blog during 2014. An article listing these stories can be found on the blog. Stories that featured MSI PI research were highlighted on the MSI website. See: MSI PIs Investigate Using Bacteria to Treat Diabetes (Inquiry story #1)
In December, Vice President for Research Brian Herman presented the annual state of University research report to the University Regents. The U’s research enterprise is strong, with growth in nearly all performance measures during FY14. You can see VP Herman's summary of the report on the OVPR Inquiry blog. The article also includes a link to the complete report.
The U’s Center for Sustainable Polymers (CSP) was featured in a video recently on the National Science Foundation’s Science Nation website.
On Wednesday, January 7, from 04:00 - 15:00, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to the network and various systems. During this maintenance period, we will be performing the following updates:• Panasas server software upgrade to 6.0.2• Itasca system software upgrades and moab/torque upgrades• Cascade system software upgrades and moab/torque upgrades• Expressionist volume migration• Galaxy volume migration/resizing
