
Three MSI PIs are the recipients of grants from the Brewers Association to fund research into hops and barley. They are among 17 grants awarded by the association for 2018.
Researchers developing improved kinds of computer memory have been working with a phenomenon known as magnetoresistance. A new type of magnetoresistance involving topological insulators has been discovered by a team including MSI PI Jian-Ping Wang (Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director, Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures). The discovery was published recently in the journal Nature Communications.
Two MSI PIs are among the recipients of grants from Regenerative Medicine Minnesota (BMM), an organization that funds research into regenerative medicine and chronic disorders.
MSI PI Jonathan Schilling (associate professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology) took over as director of the Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories at the beginning of 2018. He is interviewed by the College of Biological Sciences on their website: A Q&A With Jonathan Schilling.
The Nutrient Network, a global collaborative to study how humans affect grasslands, is co-directed by MSI PI Eric Seabloom and Elizabeth Borer, both of the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior in the College of Biological Sciences (CBS).
MSI PI Samuel Myers , director of the Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, is featured by the Humphrey School for his research that uses disparities in drowning rates among different racial groups in the US to study racial inequality as a whole. Professor Myers is a competitive swimmer as well as an expert in economics and social justice.
For users who are new to supercomputing, the University of Oklahoma Norman campus is offering Supercomputing in Plain English (SiPE) for the Spring 2018 semester. The course begins January 23, 2018 and classes are held on Tuesdays through May 1. They are available live via teleconferencing, 12:30pm Central Time. This course is free. Registration is open (you only need to register once for the entire semester, not for each week): SiPE Registration Form.
