
MSI PI Jeffrey Bishop (associate professor, Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology) is featured in a story about using genetic testing to determine which drugs are best to treat a patient’s mental illness. Testing determines how a patient metabolizes a given drug; this will affect the dosage size, or whether a drug would be effective at all.
MSI PI Maria Gini (professor, Computer Science and Engineering) has received the A. Nico Haberman Award. The award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions in support of underrepresented groups in computing research. An article about Professor Gini and this award appears on the department website: Professor Gini Receive Award for Championing Underrepresented Members in Computer Science.
MSI PI Logan Spector (professor, Pediatrics; Masonic Cancer Center) is featured in a University Research Brief about a large study that sought to determine if babies born through in vitro fertilization (IVF) are more likely to develop cancer. This is the largest such study ever performed. It was published recently in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.
MSI PI Jay Austin (professor and head, UMD Physics and Astronomy) is featured in an article about research being done at the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Large Lakes Observatory (LLO), which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. LLO is the only institution in the world that is dedicated to studying all the earth’s large lakes.
MSI PI Jason Hill (associate professor, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering) is the lead author on a recently published study that shows how the production of corn contributes to air pollution. The study, published in the journal Nature Sustainability, determined that 4,300 premature deaths each year can be attributed to air pollution caused by corn production. Corn is the largest agricultural crop in the U.S.
On Wednesday, April 3, 2019, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to various MSI systems. Primary Storage, Mesabi, and Itasca will be unavailable throughout much of the day. A global system reservation will start at 5:00 a.m. on April 3. Jobs that cannot be completed before 5:00 a.m. on April 3 will be held until after maintenance and then started once the system returns to production status. April maintenance will include:
Research by MSI PI Tim Starr (Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health) is featured in the Spring issue of the University of Minnesota Foundation’s magazine Discovery. Professor Starr studies the genetic changes that cause cancer to form, and uses resources available through MSI for these genetic studies.
Research by MSI PI Amy Skubitz (Laboratory Medicine and Pathology; Masonic Cancer Center) is featured in a University Research Brief. A recently published study by Professor Skubitz and her colleagues used a new technology that allows a patient’s blood to be tested for multiple protein biomarkers. Certain biomarkers are indicators of the presence of cancer, but screening for just one of these is not enough to give good results.
MSI PI Ellad Tadmor (professor, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics) has developed an honors-level course that allows students to examine hot-button societal issues in detail. The course uses a court model, where the students present the facts they’ve found during the semester and present them to a volunteer jury.
MSI PI Cavan Reilly (professor, Biostatistics) is a co-author on a recent study that found that survivors of the African Ebola outbreak of several years ago continue to suffer long-lasting health effects. The researchers studied nearly 1,000 survivors and followed them for a year. The survivor group was more likely than control subjects to suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, memory loss, and others.
Three MSI PIs from the College of Science and Engineering are among the seven University faculty members who have been named Distinguished McKnight University Professors. They are:
MSI PI Hubert Lim (associate professor, Biomedical Engineering; Otolaryngology) is the lead researcher on a project to create a new kind of implantable device to help restore hearing in those who are deaf or severely hard of hearing. The grant, $9.7 million over the next five years, was awarded from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative. The project involves an international, multidisciplinary team of universities and medical-device companies.
Minneapolis/St. Paul television station KARE 11 aired a feature recently that highlighted virtual resources available at the University of Minnesota’s Bell Museum for gardeners and nature enthusiasts. The Bell Museum Biodiversity Atlas is an online web resource that allows anyone to search the museum’s huge collection of Minnesota birds, mammals, fishes, plants, and fungi. MSI built the database and continues to provide support.
Seven MSI PIs are among the awardees of mini-grants from the Institute on the Environment (IonE) for Spring 2019. These grants are intended to foster collaborative and innovative environmental work. The MSI PIs who have received mini-grants are:
MSI PI Jason Hill (associate professor, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering; Fellow, Institute on the Environment) and his colleagues have published a study that shows racial inequity in pollution exposure. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), they show that, while whites’ consumption patterns contribute more to air pollution, the effects more seriously affect black and Hispanic Americans.
Each year, the University of Minnesota presents the Morse-Alumni and Graduate and Professional teaching awards to recognize faculty who are committed to ongoing improvement of teaching and learning. Morse-Alumni awards recognize outstanding contributions to undergraduate education. The Graduate and Professional teaching awards recognize faculty in graduate and/or professional education. Four MSI PIs have received awards for 2018-19. The complete lists of awardees can be found on the Scholars Walk website:
MSI PIs Sang-Hyun Oh (professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Tony Low (assistant professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering) and their research team recently published a study of a new device that could lead to ultrasensitive biosensors. The device incorporates graphene, a material made of a single layer of carbon atoms, along with nano-sized gold ribbons.
MSI PI Traian Dumitrica (associate professor, Mechanical Engineering) was selected as a 2019-20 Fulbright US Scholar. Under this award, he will develop complex scientific software to enable manufacturing of lightweight ultra-strong composites in a computationally guided manner.
MSI PI Maria Gini (Computer Science and Engineering) is featured in a College of Science and Engineering Research Spotlight video. You can see the video on YouTube: CSE Research Spotlight: Maria Gini
On Wednesday, March 6, 2019, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to various MSI systems. Primary Storage, Mesabi, and Itasca will be unavailable throughout much of the day. A global system reservation will start at 5:00 a.m. on March 6. Jobs that cannot be completed before 5:00 a.m. on March 6 will be held until after maintenance and then started once the system returns to production status. March maintenance will include:
