MSI PIs Receive Distinguished Teaching Awards for 2019-20

Each year, the University of Minnesota presents the Morse-Alumni and Graduate and Professional teaching awards to recognize faculty who are committed to ongoing improvement of teaching and learning. Morse-Alumni awards recognize outstanding contributions to undergraduate education. The Graduate and Professional teaching awards recognize faculty in graduate and/or professional education.

Five MSI PIs have received awards for 2019-20.

Horace A. Morse – University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education

Shaul Hanany (Physics and Astronomy)

Professor Hanany is studying the polarization properties of cosmic microwave background radiation. The Hanany group leads the international EBEX balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the polarization of the CMB and uses MSI’s supercomputers for simulations and analysis.

See all the Morse-Alumni Award winners.

Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate and Professional Education

Joseph Kapusta (Physics and Astronomy)

Professor Kapusta and his research group are studying chromodynamics at extremely high temperatures and densities. They use MSI for models that will help them understand the early, middle, and late stages of heavy-ion collisions such as those that occurred in the first microseconds after the Big Bang.

Jody Lulich (Veterinary Clinical Sciences)

Professor Lulich is studying forms of kidney disease in cats, with a goal to being able to identify the disease earlier and improving treatment and survival. They use a variety of advanced scanning and visualization techniques as well as immunohistochemistry analysis for this research.

Donald G. Truhlar (Chemistry)

Regents Professor Truhlar works on multiple, diverse projects in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry. The projects have applications in fields such as aerospace, batteries, porous materials and catalysis, combustion and atmospheric chemistry, and others.

Carston R. Wagner (Medicinal Chemistry)

Professor Wagner’s lab applies the principles of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry to the design of new chemical- and cell-based therapies.

See all the graduate/professional education teaching award winners.
