New Climate Modeling Center Uses Machine Learning Techniques

Big Data Science

The University of Minnesota is part of a climate modeling center that aims to improve climate modeling and prepare for the disruptions that will occur as the climate changes. MSI PI Vipin Kumar (Regents Professor, Computer Science and Engineering) is part of the team at the U of M that will use big data and artificial intelligence to create more precise models. The center is led by a team at Columbia University, and includes researchers at New York University, the University of California, Irvine, and Teachers College, Columbia University.

A story about the center appears on the U of M News website: University of Minnesota is Part of $25M AI-based Climate Modeling Center.

Regents Professor Kumar was also interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) meteorologist Paul Huttner on the station’s Climate Cast program. The broadcast is available on the MPR website: University of Minnesota Researchers Tap AI to Improve Climate Models.

Regents Professor Kumar is a long-time MSI PI who uses MSI resources for data-mining research in climate science and earth science.
