posted on September 12, 2013
As part of the ongoing selection process for the next HPC system at MSI, MSI has invited top high performance computing vendors to present their high performance computing portfolios and roadmaps to users in a Town Hall setting.
HP will be on-site Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., to provide presentations and have interactive discussions with MSI users. The meeting will take place in Walter Library, Room 402. The agenda is provided below:
HP Eagle – next-generation multi-node servers (30 min)
- Presented by Marc Hamilton
HP Moonshot and Apollo (30 min)
- Presented by Marc Hamilton
Mellanox networking features (15 min)
- Presented by Peter Waxman
Application performance (45 min)
- Presented by Dave Mullally
Data Analytics – reference architure for Hadoop/SL4500 (30 min)
- Presented by Marc Hamilton
Q & A (30 min)
We look forward to seeing all interested MSI users at this Town Hall meeting. The final meeting in this series will be the IBM Town Hall Meeting, September 20, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., 402 Walter Library.