3/26/13: Storage for Galaxy Users


MSI recently purchased a new storage system and changed the way that storage at MSI is allocated and accounted for. MSI is now preparing to move the Galaxy storage to the new system and account for Galaxy files in the overall quota for groups. Just as each individual's Unix home directory is attributed to the total group quota usage, each user's Galaxy usage will count towards the group quota. Please refer to the Panasas Migration Guide for information about these changes.


MSI will begin data migration during the week of April 1, 2013. Once the initial migration is completed MSI will announce a planned downtime for Galaxy to do a final migration and make the necessary configuration changes to begin using the Panasas storage system. MSI will notify users once the final date for using the updated quota system has been announced.


In anticipation of these changes, MSI asks all Galaxy users to review their data in Galaxy and delete any data that is no longer required. A guide for archiving and cleansing data from Galaxy can be found at the link below.  Any data removed before migration begins reduces the amount of data that needs to be moved to the new system. 


Guide for archiving and cleansing Galaxy data:

