U of M to Lead Quantum Information Systems Research

Computer Science

The University of Minnesota will lead a five-year project to create an international “network-of-networks” to develop quantum information systems. The project, called Global Quantum Leap, is funded by a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation. It will bring together nanofabrication and quantum technology. The Principal Investigator is MSI PI Steven Koester (professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering), with co-PIs from the U of M, Cornell University, Georgia Tech, and the University of Chicago. Collaborators on the project come from several other U.S. universities. A story about this project can be found on the U of M News website: University of Minnesota to Lead NSF-Funded “Global Quantum Leap.”

Professor Koester uses MSI for hardware and software necessary for creating simulations of beam steering antennas and spintronic circuits.

