Startup Company Founded by MSI PIs to Analyze Microbiomes


MSI PIs Kenneth Beckman (Director, University of Minnesota Genomics Center (UMGC)) and Dan Knights (Computer Science and Engineering; BioTechnology Institute), along with MSI user Daryl Gohl (Research and Development Lead, UMGC), have developed microbiome-analysis technology that is now being made available to the public through a new company, CoreBiome Inc. The company, which launched in May 2017, provides analysis of microbiomes for agricultural, environmental, and human-health applications.

An article about the company appears on the University’s News website: UMN startup CoreBiome provides services to accelerate microbiome. discovery. A story also appears in Twin Cities Business: Newly launched CoreBiome touts microbiome “profiling” services.

Assistant Professor Knights uses MSI resources to support research performed in his computational microbiology lab, which develops methods that bring precision medicine to the microbiome. The UMGC uses resources available through MSI for its work in the expanding “-omics” fields.

