Patents Awarded to MSI PIs

posted on June 25, 2014

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has published a list of patents that have been awarded to University researchers during the several months. Several MSI Principal Investigators are on this list. The complete list can be found on the OVPR's Inquiry blog post, "Patent roll call, spring 2014."

The PIs' group pages on the MSI website are linked from their names. Clicking on the Project Title on the page will take you to an abstract of the researchers' project(s) at MSI.

Michael Garwood (Center for Magnetic Resonance Research) and colleagues:

Adiabatic Magnetization Preparation for B1 and B0 Insensitive High Contrast MRI


Pulse gap cycling for improved SWIFT

Thomas Hoye (Chemistry) and colleague:

Calixarene-based peptide conformation mimetics, methods of use, and methods of making

Marnie Peterson (Pharmacy) and colleague:

Compositions and Methods for Controlling Infections

Jakub Tolar (Stem Cell Institute) and colleagues:

Cell therapy for the treatment of lysosomal storage disorders

Georgis Giannakis (Director, Digital Technology Center; Electrical and Computer Engineering) and colleagues:

Estimating frequency-offsets and multi-antenna channels in MIMO OFDM systems - two patents of the same name, 8588317 and 8718185

Michael Tsapatsis (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) and colleagues:

Layered zeolite materials and methods related thereto

Jian-Ping Wang (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and colleague:

Magnetic tunnel junction device

Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari (Pediatrics) and colleague:

Mapc generation of lung tissue

Aditya Bhan (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science), Michael Tsapatsis (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) and colleagues:

Method and apparatus for producing a fuel from a biomass or bio-oil

Lincoln Potter (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics) and colleague:

Chimeric natriuretic peptides without hypotensive inducing capability

Wei-Shou Hu (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) and colleague:

Non-static suspension culture of cell aggregates

Carston Wagner (Medicinal Chemistry):

Protein nanorings

David Lilja (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Jian-Ping Wang (Electrical and Computer Engineering), and colleagues:

Systems and methods for direct communication between magnetic tunnel junctions

Dan Voytas (Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development) and colleagues:

TAL effector-mediated DNA modification - two patents of the same name, 8586363 and 8697853

Gunda Georg (Director, Institute for Therapeutics Discovery and Development; Medicinal Chemistry), Ashok Saluja (Surgery) and colleagues:

Triptolide prodrugs


