MSI PIs Receive Spring 2016 Institute on the Environment Mini Grants

Ecology and Environment

Two MSI PIs were among the U of M faculty who received Spring 2016 Mini Grants from the Institute on the Environment. The grants are awarded to interdisciplinary projects that focus on environmental themes. Besides funding, the award includes space for workshops, meetings, and conferences and some administrative support for a year.

The MSI PIs who received Mini Grants are:

Professor Randall Singer (Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences)

Dissemination of antimicrobial resistance from wastewater treatment plants via wide birds

Professor Singer uses MSI for research into factors that influence antibiotic resistance.

Professor Claudia Schmidt-Dannert (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics)

Building biocatalytic systems for biomanufacturing

Professor Schmidt-Dannert uses MSI to support research into developing pharmaceuticals from fungi and plants and performing protein engineering for biocatalysis.

A complete list of Mini Grant awardees and descriptions of their projects can be found on the IonE website: Spring 2016 Mini Grants.

