MSI PIs Named McKnight Land-Grant Professors

posted on January 28, 2014

Two MSI Principal Investigators are among the eight assistant professors at the University of Minnesota who have been named McKnight Land-Grant Professors for 2014-16. They are Christophe Lenglet (Center for Magnetic Resonance Research) and James Van de Ven (Mechanical Engineering).

The McKnight Land-Grant Professorships are given to new assistant professors and include $25,000 in each of the two years of the award. These funds are to be used for the professors’ research. More information about the award can be found on the McKnight Land-Grant Professorship webpage.

Professor Lenglet and his research group are interested in developing tools for studying brain functions and neurogenerative disorders. They use MSI resources to run their simulations and to analyze MRI brain data.

Professor Van de Ven is studying methods of integrating renewable energy sources into the existing electric grid. They are investigating a solution that includes a novel high-efficiency compressed air energy storage system that utilizes a liquid piston for compression. The behavior of the liquid piston is modeled on MSI resources.


