MSI PIs to Lead New Organ and Tissue Preservation Center


MSI PIs John Bischof (professor, Mechanical Engineering; Director, Institute for Engineering in Medicine) and Erik Finger (associate professor, Surgery) will lead the newly established Organ and Tissue Preservation Center at the University of Minnesota. Established by the Biostasis Research Institute, this U of M center is one of two such centers aimed at creating human organ banks through cryogenic storage of organs and tissues that have been donated for transplantation. The center, which will be part of the Institute for Engineering in Medicine, will concentrate on technologies to safely and rapidly rewarm cryopreserved organs and other living systems. A story about the new center appears on the College of Science and Engineering website: University of Minnesota to Host New Research Center for Organ and Tissue Preservation.

Both Professors Bischof and Finger use MSI resources for their research programs involving organ and tissue preservation through cryogenics.

Edit, 4/28/21: Story on the U of M News site: University of Minnesota to Host New Research Center for Organ and Tissue Preservation.
