MSI PIs Lead Interdisciplinary Teams in U’s Grand Challenges Initiative

University leaders announced the Grand Challenges Research Interdisciplinary Team Awards for 2019 in December 2018. Six teams received awards, three of which are co-led by MSI PIs. The projects headed by MSI PIs include (MSI PIs are in bold):

Clinical Precision Medicine Based on Single Cell Analysis


  • Boris Winterhoff, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health
  • Jinhua Wang, Biomedical Health Informatics; Masonic Cancer Center
  • Tim Starr, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health; Masonic Cancer Center
  • Andrew Nelson, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology; Masonic Cancer Center
  • Constantin Aliferis, Institute for Health Informatics
  • Doug Yee, Masonic Cancer Center
  • Stephen Schondelmeyer, Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems

Improving Health and Well-Being With Personalized, Pervasive Technology


  • Maria Gini, Computer Science and Engineering
  • Serguei Pakhomov, Pharmacy
  • Brad Holschuh, Design, Housing & Apparel

Back to Indigenous Futures


  • Vicente Diaz, American Indian Studies
  • Katie Johnston-Goodstar, Social Work
  • Dan Keefe, Computer Science and Engineering
  • Roxanne Gould, Indigenous and Environmental Education
  • Virajita Singh, Center for Sustainable Building Research

The Grand Challenges initiative, which began in 2016, is a campuswide effort to advance the research goals of the Twin Cities campus Strategic Plan. A complete list of the 2019 awards appears on the Driving Tomorrow website: Phase 3 Grand Challenges Awards.

