Professor Lian Shen, an MSI PI from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (College of Science and Engineering), has been named the new Director of the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL). Professor Shen has been a member of SAFL since his arrival at the University of Minnesota in 2012. He will assume the directorship on September 1, 2017.
Professor Shen uses MSI resources for computational fluid dynamics studies of wind-water systems. The Shen group uses the supercomputers to create high-resolution simulations of the interactions between water waves and wind, which are important to a number of areas of study. They are engaged in a number of studies investigating the interaction between turbulence and supercavitation.
Professor Shen’s work was featured on the MSI website in March 2016: Computer Simulations of Hydraulic Jumps. He was also a judge for the 2016 MSI Research Exhibition.
An article about Professor Shen and his research appears on the SAFL website: SAFL Selects New Director – Dr. Lian Shen.