MSI PI Fang Li Receives Award From American Academy of Microbiology


MSI PI Fang Li (professor, Pharmacology) will be honored with the Elizabeth O. King Lecturer Award by the American Academy of Microbiology at their June 2024 annual conference in Atlanta. The award is given to researchers who make significant contributions to the field of public health and the discovery of new pathogens. This award recognizes Professor Li’s contributions to research into the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In early 2020, Professor Li was able to draw on years of research into coronaviruses to publish predictions of SARS-CoV-2’s behavior. A story about this award and Professor Li’s research can be found on the website of the Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Center: Crucial pandemic research wins Midwest AViDD Co-Director, Dr. Fang Li, prestigious American Society of Microbiology Award. Professor Li is a Co-Director of the Center.

Professor Li uses MSI resources for investigations into the structural and molecular basis of diseases. Current projects include research into the invasion mechanisms of viruses and the structural basis for cancer.
