Two MSI PIs are co-investigators on a new $15 million grant from the National Institutes of Mental Health to study psychosis. David Redish (professor, Neuroscience) and Sophia Vinogradov (professor and head, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences) will lead a new Silvio O. Conte Center called NeuroPRSMH (NeuroPlasticity Research in Support of Mental Health) with an interdisciplinary research team. The goal of the Center will be to find new treatments for psychosis patients who don’t respond to current treatments. The researchers will study where in different patients’ brains the failures leading to psychosis occur - failures can happen in multiple places, each of which would require a different treatment.
A story about the Center’s research appears on the Medical School website: U Researchers Receive $15M NIMH Grant to Study Psychosis.
Professor Redish uses MSI resources to analyze datasets of neural activity gathered from subjects performing complex tasks. Professor Vinogradov uses MSI for analysis of neuroimaging data from tens of thousands of subjects.