Two MSI Principal Investigators head projects that have received funding through the Minnesota Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (MITPPC) at the U. MITPPC was established by the State of Minnesota last year with funding from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. The projects contribute to the Center’s goal of finding new ways to manage invasive species in Minnesota. A total of four projects have received funding.
The MSI PIs and their projects are:
Assistant Professor David Moeller, Plant Biology: Climate Change and Range Expansion of Invasive Plants
Regents Professor Peter Reich, Forest Resources: Cover It Up! Using Plants to Control Buckthorn
Professor Moeller uses MSI for genetic and genomic studies of subspecies of Clarkia xantiana. Professor Reich uses MSI to develop improved global land models.
An article about the MITPPC grants with a complete list of projects can be found on the University’s Discover blog.