A story on the College of Science and Engineering website describes the work of MSI PI Rhonda Franklin (professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Institute for Engineering in Medicine) in creating the MNmask Style 3. This face mask is designed for use by the general public, rather than medical teams. The story can be read on the college website: Making a mask on a pandemic sabbatical.
Professor Franklin worked with a cross-disciplinary team of U of M researchers. MSI PIs John Bischof (director, Institute for Engineering in Medicine; professor, Mechanical Engineering) and Linsey Griffin (assistant professor, Design, Housing and Apparel; co-director, Human Dimensioning Laboratory) are also mentioned in the story.
Professor Frankin was recently named as one of the inaugural Abbott Professors in Innovative Education at the IEM. She uses MSI resources to help design and test the performance of microwave antennas and circuits for communications and biomedical applications. Professor Bischof and his group are currently using MSI in research that focuses on the use of iron oxide and gold nanoparticles to enhance thermal therapies. Professor Griffin is using software available through MSI to analyze scans of the human body for the purposes of measuring the human body and understanding how the body dynamically changes through the day