
MSI Principal Investigator Mark Distefano (Chemistry) has been named a Distinguished McKnight Professor by the University. You can read about Professor Distefano on the College of Science and Engineering website.
Prospective students visiting the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) on March 7 saw a three-dimensional simulation of blood flow on the PowerWall in the LCSE-MSI Visualization Laboratory. Members of Assistant Professor Dan Keefe’s (Computer Science and Engineering and MSI PI) research group showed the visualization, created in a cooperative effort by Computer Science, the Medical Devices Center, and St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, to high-school students and their families.
On Saturday, Feb. 19, Senator Al Franken (DFL-MN) was at the LCSE-MSI Visualization Lab as part of a visit to the Medical Devices Center (MDC). Sen. Franken is interested in the U’s contributions to the medical-device industry in Minnesota. An article about the visit can be found at
William Kramer, Blue Waters Deputy Project Director, NCSA, gave a presentation at MSI on Friday, February 25, 10 am - 12 pm, in 402 Walter Library. The topic of the presentation was the Blue Waters architecture and how to submit a successful PRAC proposal.
On Saturday, January 29, MSI staff represented us at the "Amantes de la Ciencia” event at the Science Museum of Minnesota. The event introduces attendees to science and education professionals from the Twin Cities' Latino/a and Hispanic communities. MSI showed how supercomputing plays a valuable role in all research areas at the University of Minnesota, from 3-D visualizations of hemoglobin to circuit boards. Attendees could even "build” their own molecules. See photos from the event here.
MSI’s newest HPC resource, Koronis, is now operational and we are accepting proposals for its use. See our press release for more information about the Koronis system. Koronis users must have NIH funding or be performing research that will lead to an NIH grant proposal. See the Koronis webpage for complete proposal instructions.
MSI is pleased to announce that Jeff McDonald is the new MSI Assistant Director of HPC Operations, effective January 26, 2011.
The December 18 issue of The Economist highlights the work being done by the not-for-profit Planetary Skin Institute (PSI), created by Cisco Systems and NASA, on measurement of the extent and health of the world's forests. Key to that effort has been the data-mining work led by Professor Vipin Kumar (MSI Fellow, Computer Science and Engineering). Professor Kumar and his collaborators participated in the United Nations recent climate change conference in Cancun and gave a joint presentation there with the PSI and NASA.
MSI Principal Investigator and Associate Fellow Elizabeth Amin, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, was highlighted in the OVPR's Research News Online. You can read the article on the OVPR website.
The EOLOS consortium led by the University of Minnesota and supported by a US Department of Energy grant has a new website ( up. The consortium was established to create collaboration between universities, government organizations, and industry in hopes of learning more about wind powered energy. Members of the consortium have used MSI’s Itasca supercomputer to perform simulations of turbine flow and modeling of the atmosphere.
MSI participated in the College of Science and Engineering’s Math and Science Family Fun Fair on Saturday, November 13th. More than 200 kids and their parents came to MSI’s booth at Coffman Union. The families were able to see first-hand how supercomputers are helping researchers at the University of Minnesota and beyond by getting to experiment with some computing equipment and view some of our 3-D visualizations. Pictures from the event are available.
MSI, and more specifically, our Itasca supercomputer, was recently featured on a television program called "The Global Learning Series.” In the video you will see former MSI Director Tom Jones, as well as University of Minnesota chemistry professor and MSI Fellow, Darrin York, talk about the development of computers over time, the importance of supercomputing at a research institution and how modern supercomputers work. The program will be used as interstitial programming on a network of 349 public television stations across the country.  
In Summer 2010, MSI made available to its users its newest supercomputer, named Itasca, and Itasca is already making a world of difference to researchers at the university. Charles Campbell, a University of Minnesota physics and astronomy professor uses MSI to study layered quantum magnets. He says of Itasca, "Our research has benefitted tremendously from being able to use Itasca. Some of our calculations are so intensive that they are simply impracticable without it.”
Intel has recently released a case study about their Xeon processors and software-development products that spotlights MSI. The study discusses our two newest systems, Itasca and Koronis. Koronis will be available to users later this year.
MSI has recently been awarded an NIH grant to purchase a new SGI Altix UV 1000 supercomputer, which will be called "Koronis." This machine will be used by MSI researchers working on a number of NIH-funded projects in the areas of multi-scale modeling, chemical dynamics, bioinformatics and computational biology, and biomedical imaging. The Principal Investigator on the grant is Professor Darrin York (Chemistry, MSI Fellow).
Professor and MSI Fellow Vipin Kumar (Computer Science and Engineering) will be leading an interdisciplinary team from the University of Minnesota and other universities nationwide in a $10 million NSF project to study climate change. Professor Kumar's group uses MSI resources to develop the high-performance data-mining algorithms used in this research. The supercomputers are necessary because of the huge size of the datasets involved. The UMNews story has further details.
Professor and MSI Fellow Jiali Gao of the Department of Chemistry and the Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology Program was recently named winner of the global annual IBM Faculty Award. The award recognizes Professor Gao's research in the development of quantum mechanical methods. Some of this research was done using MSI resources. Professor Gao has been an MSI Fellow since 1998.
On July 31, 2010, Professor Tom Jones, Department of Astronomy and MSI Fellow, stepped down after serving as MSI Interim Director for two years.
MSI is very happy to report that Jorge Vinals has accepted the offer to become the next MSI Director. He will also become a professor of physics. Jorge will assume the directorship on August 1, 2010.
During Summer 2010, MSI hosted two courses for grad students and postdocs in association with the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering (VSCSE) of the Center for Computational Science (Miami, Florida). The VSCSE brings together faculty from throughout the country to create courses that focus on petascale computing and petascale-enabled science and engineering. MSI hosted Petascale Programming Environments and Tools (July 6-9, 2010) and Big Data for Science (July 26-30, 2010).
