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PBS to Slurm Conversion (Cheat Sheet)
Fairshare Scheduling under Slurm
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I am not an MSI user yet, but I would like to become one. How do I do that?
I think I already have an MSI account. How do I find out what my username is?
How do I setup my MSI password?
How does a PI set a group admin?
How do I manage my MSI account(s)?
Which systems can I access?
How do I get access to additional MSI systems? How do I add additional users to my group?
I would like to work in an MSI laboratory location. Where are they, and how do I get access?
MSI System Architecture Overview
Can I purchase dedicated resources for my research?
When and how does a research group renew MSI access?
Who reviews storage allocation requests?
What if my group is running out of storage before the end of the year?
How do I get a Person of Interest (POI) designation?
Additional Questions
How do I properly cite MSI to acknowledge the use I have made of MSI's resources for my research?
How do I change my email settings?
How do I fix an "Untrusted Certificate Error 61" or "Connection Failed Error 1110" when using Citrix Receiver?
How do I choose the correct cloud user for SSH access?
How do I update the RSA host key for Mesabi following the upgrade to CentOS 7.5?
Does MSI store HIPAA data?
I receive an error, "Firefox is already running, but is not responding" when trying to use Firefox.
I have a question that is not answered here, and I don't see anything relevant on the MSI website. How do I get help?
How do I enable core dumps?
Data Storage
What are my data storage options?
How do I access my home directory, shared and public spaces? What systems can I use them on?
What is the difference between the Shared and Public directories?
Is my data safe on MSI systems? Do I need backups?
How can I check my storage quota?
How do I share files with group members and non members without sharing passwords?
My storage quota was full. I deleted data, but I still can’t write!
Why is my job, file copy, or other action failing to write files?
I accidentally deleted or corrupted files that I need. How do I get them back?
How do I reduce my Galaxy data usage?
What if my group is running out of storage before the end of the year?
What are some user-friendly ways to use Second Tier Storage via S3?
How do I use Second Tier Storage from the command line?
How can my programs interface with Second Tier Storage?
How do I use Globus to transfer data to Second Tier Storage at MSI?
How do I use S3 buckets to share data on Tier 2 storage with other users?
What happens to my data when I leave MSI?
How do I transfer data from Google Drive to Panasas (Tier 1 storage)?
My username is a member of multiple groups. How do I work with multiple groups?
How do I change my default shell on an MSI Unix machine?
File Transfer
How do I transfer data between other Unix machines and MSI Unix machines?
How do I transfer data between a Mac or Windows computer and MSI Unix computers?
How do I transfer data between a Mac or Windows computer and an MSI Windows server?
How do I move a large amount of data to MSI? Uploading it is taking a long time.
How do I upload files to my MSI home directory from Windows?
How do I use WinSCP to transfer data?
How do I use FileZilla to transfer data?
How do I use Globus to transfer data at MSI?
How do I transfer data on Second Tier Storage between users?
Interactive Connections
Why can't I ssh into an MSI machine?
Why can't I remote desktop into an MSI machine?
How do I access an MSI Unix server from my Windows machine?
How do I access an MSI Unix server from my Unix machine?
How do I access an MSI Unix server from my Mac?
How do I access an MSI Windows server from my Windows machine?
How do I access an MSI Windows server from Unix?
Why do I need to type in my password so many times?
How do I open X-session windows from Unix on my Windows machine?
Is there a faster alternative to X-session forwarding on Windows?
How do I connect to a Citrix Windows Virtual Machine?
How do I configure PuTTy to connect to MSI Unix systems?
How do I configure X-Win for remote graphics display on a Windows machine?
How do I setup SSH keys?
How do I get started with Jupyter Notebooks?
How can I use Mobile Shell (Mosh) to connect to MSI servers?
How do I submit jobs to a partition?
Why won't my job start? It is just waiting in the queue.
Will supercomputers always be faster than a workstation?
Why does my job fail after only a couple seconds?
Why does my job die with an error like one of these: Cannot write to file, File I/O error, Failed to write, Cannot open?
How do I get the walltime of my running job increased?
I need to see the email output from my jobs. How do I send this email output to my email address?
How do I change groups?
How can I use GNU Parallel to run a lot of commands in parallel
Why is my calculation killed after a few minutes?
How do I use a job array?
What does job exit status XX mean?
How do I use my laptop on the wired network in MSI's Walter space?
What software does MSI offer? How do I access it?
How do I get help using MSI's software? What tutorials are available?
When will MSI install the latest version of the software I want to use?
I need software MSI does not have. How do I get new software installed at MSI?
What is a module?
What are the software service levels?
Every time I try to start a certain software package, I get a message saying that I am not on the include list or not in the right group; how do I fix this?
Why does it say all licenses are in use or there are no available licenses?
Why has the license for the software I want to use expired?
I'm trying to use Matlab or Tecplot and getting a license error. What should I do?
What kind of license will software developed at MSI have?
How can I create private software modules?
Why is [module] no longer available?
How do I use Singularity on CentOS 7?
How can I install R packages in my home directory?
What are the default compiler modules?
Why are old compiler modules no longer available?
How do I register to use MSI software through the UMN calendar?
How do I install python packages for use in Jupyter notebooks?
How do I update my workflow after the software library migration?
What is Stratus?
How do I log into Stratus?
How do I setup Duo two-factor authentication?
How do I navigate the Horizon interface?
How do I create a key pair?
How do I setup the Command Line Interface (CLI)?
How do I get API access with OpenStack RC v3?
How do I create a new virtual machine / instance?
How do I setup SSH access to a virtual machine?
How do I SSH into a Virtual Machine after it's set up?
What are volumes?
How do I create a new volume?
How do I attach a volume?
How do I format and mount a volume?
How do I detach a volume?
How do I snapshot a volume?
How do I restore a snapshot on a volume?
How do I manage storage quotas with regards to volumes and snapshots?
What are the different storage tiers?
Where can I use dbGaP data?
What is S3 cache / dbGaP cache?
What is S3 Secure?
What is Tier 2 Storage?
What should I know about encryption?
How do I move data between tiers?
How do I setup Minio?
How do I move data around?
How do I install software using SUDO?
How do I install software using a package manager?
How do I install software from alternate methods?
How do I use Docker on Stratus?
What ports can applications/services use?
How do I connect to Stratus using RDP on Windows
How do I connect to Stratus using RDP on Mac OSX
How do I connect to Stratus using RDP on Linux
How do I add a security group to a running VM?
How do I setup a security group in Stratus?
How do I set my local user password in Stratus?