Why are old compiler modules no longer available?

In order to reduce support overhead and to improve resource utilization efficiency, MSI is decommissioning software modules for compilers and supporting libraries that were released earlier than June, 2015. The table below lists the impacted modules and the earliest version that will remain available at MSI. Users are recommended to recompile software built using one or more of the impacted modules using newer versions. MSI recommends using the current default versions of these modules as listed on this page.

Impacted modules will no longer be available for loading after August 1, 2018.
Module Earliest Version Available
gcc 4.8.5
intel 2016
impi 2016
mkl 2016
cuda 6.5
cuda-sdk 6.5
ompi 2.0.1
pgi 17.1
boost 1.58
python-epd All removed
python-pypy All removed
python2 2.7.12
python3 3.3.1




Note that there will be no modules available for python-epd or python-pypy after the upgrade, as these python distributions have been superseded at MSI by Anaconda-based python environments. Users are recommended to build replacement environments to meet their needs using the conda package manager tool. An example workflow for creating a new conda environment including scipy in python2 is:
module load python2
conda create -n myenv python=2.7 scipy=0.15.0
You can then enter this environment via:
module load python2
source activate myenv
Please see the official conda documentation for more details.