Data Storage

Data Storage

What Options for Data Storage are Available?

All MSI users have access to High Performance Storage that is integrated across all of our systems. This eliminates the need to juggle data when utilizing any of MSI's computational or interactive systems and provides MSI users with a secure data storage platform that is ideal for high performance computing. 

While High Performance Storage fulfills the storage needs for most computational work, in this era of Big Data other storage paradigms are needed. MSI also provides users access to other storage options to allow for the maximum computational flexibility. 

  • Second Tier Storage, an object storage system supporting new workflows and inactive data parking

High-performance, high capacity primary storage platform

Object storage platform for new access modes and inactive data parking

Information pertaining to the data lifecycle after a PI leaves MSI

SURFS is a short to medium term storage solution for shared research data at UMN

Databases hosted by MSI