Support Request

The MSI Support Staff provides assistance with all aspects of scientific computing and visualization. This assistance includes -- but is not limited to -- general user support, writing and porting serial and parallel codes to the supercomputers, development of scripts or user-friendly procedures to allow more productive use of the supercomputing resources, assistance with visualization or communications, assistance with software packages, tutorials on specialized topics or programs, user training, code optimization, parallel model building support, and assistance with workstations used to develop code for the supercomputers.Each member of the MSI Support Staff can provide technical assistance in their area of expertise. The areas of expertise include Computational Chemistry, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Structural Mechanics, Design Optimization, Structural and Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Scientific Visualization, and Geophysics.Researchers associated with the Institute have the highest priority. We will try to answer reasonable questions from other people.Help Request FormPlease use this form to direct a question to the MSI Support staff. Researchers associated with the Institute have the highest priority. We will try to answer reasonable questions from other people. This form can also be used to report problems with the Institute's systems (Please check Systems Status first.)
If applicable, choose the system or lab this question is about.
Please provide a one-line summary of your problem or question.
Please provide a full description of your problem or question.
Please provide any relevant compile line, error message, or other system output.
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