Medical School
Twin Cities
The Translational Biomarkers Initiative has been a biomarkers program incorporated within the Molecular Oncology Laboratory of the Department of Otolaryngology for the past several years. The purpose of this program is to allow otolaryngology medical students, otolaryngology residents in training, undergraduate students, and NIH-supported training grant fellows from this department to gain experience and perform significant work examining molecular markers of cell growth, cell invasion and new blood vessel formation. These processes are commonly associated with inflammation in middle ear disease, mastoid disease, and tumor formation. This program is specifically designed to allow individuals to spend focused time in an intense molecular biology setting to carefully investigate novel concepts which have grown out of the peer-reviewed science in Molecular Oncology and other Otolaryngology research programs. The ultimate purpose of the program is to allow the next generation of otolaryngology researchers the capacity to move forward as their career progresses.
This research was featured on the MSI website in October 2014: Using Proteomics Methods to Diagnose Oral Cancer.