Dr. David Darrow

Medical School
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Human Neuroscience

The Herman Darrow human neuroscience lab studies the neural circuit mechanisms of decision making with advanced electrophysiology and neuromodulation. By optimizing neuromodulation and targeting these circuits, the lab's mission is to improve treatments transdiagnostically across chronic pain, movement disorders, addiction, epilepsy, and depression. They are studying large scale datasets of intracranial recordings from humans with novel computational approaches.

Project Investigators

Dr. David Darrow
Kody DeGolier
Gracie Grimsrud
Tariq Hattab
Robert Hermosillo
Gabriella Hernandez
Thomas Madison
Matthew Maple
rae McCollum
Oscar Miranda Dominguez
Cristian Morales Carrasco
Birra Taha
Erendiz Tarakci
Kimberly Weldon
Xinyuan Yan
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