Dr. John Fieberg

CFANS Fish Wildlife & Cons Bio
College of Food, Ag & Nat Res Sci
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Linking Observations of Animals to Environmental Variables

Much of the research in this lab is focused on developing and testing methods for linking observations of animals collected remotely - using Global Positioning System Collars or remotely triggered cameras - to environmental variables. This work often involves large datasets, such as millions of photos that need to be analyzed  to generate species IDs using machine learning techniques. The models can also require significant computational resources; for example, the researchers must appropriately account for individual- or site-level variation in statistical parameters.

Project Investigators

Nilanjan Chatterjee
Dr. John Fieberg
Fabiola Iannarilli
Dongmin Dennis Kim
Juliana Velez Gomez
David Wolfson
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