College of Liberal Arts
Twin Cities
The Liberal Arts Techologies and Innovation Services (LATIS) works to enhance research and scholarship by integrating appropriate technologies into the workflow of faculty, staff, and students. While LATIS is well positioned within the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) to provide the resources, tools, and expertise over infrastructure and software engineering, pedagogy, media, and social science research methods, their mandate is much broader. They strive to engage the broader scientific community in the issues that face the liberal arts, and they encourage their users to view their compute- and data-intensive tasks not only as as an integral component of their study design, but one that could benefit from communities outside of their own.
Part of this challenge is to convince CLA scholars to view their questions in the light of what HPC can offer, and when appropriate, to bring in the the resources MSI has at its disposal. Accordingly, this Principal Investigator uses MSI access to keeping abreast of the technologies and software MSI supports, to design proof-of-concepts directly on MSI's infrastructure, to consult with CLA clients on the appropriate use of MSI resources, and to make the transition between LATIS environments and MSI environments as clean as possible.