CSENG Characterization Facil
College of Science & Engineering
Twin Cities
College of Science & Engineering
Twin Cities
Project Title:
X-Ray Scattering Laboratory (CharFac)
The Characterization Facility (CharFac) X-ray Scattering Laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility with instrumentation that serves for a large variety of research projects from disciplines that include biology, pharmaceutics, engineering, and materials science. CharFac has develop a technique that allows the exploration of a vast region of the reciprocal space of samples with unprecedented short measuring times for lab based X-ray diffractometers. This technique uses images that are converted to the repiprocal space of samples and the large volume of data involved, of the order of 20 GB, needs fast computing resources to fully take advantage of it.
Project Investigators
Javier Garcia Barriocanal
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