CFANS Animal Science
College of Food, Ag & Nat Res Sci
Twin Cities
College of Food, Ag & Nat Res Sci
Twin Cities
Project Title:
Controlling Multi-Drug Resistant Foodborne Pathogens Using Alternatives to Antibiotics Approach
This research focuses on using pre- and post-harvest interventions to control and/or eliminate MDR pathogens from the food supply. As a pre-harvest strategy, the group investigates new antimicrobials (reduced antibiotic/post-antibiotic phase out view) to eliminate these foodborne bacteria of zoonotic importance in poultry and strive towards translating these research activities to developing innovative approaches or refining existing methods. The researchers also investigate post-harvest interventions, with focus on phytochemicals and the emerging microbials, to improve the microbiological safety of poultry, meat, and eggs. The goal is to improve human food safety from the "One Health" perspective.
Project Investigators
Trevor Gould
Dr. Anup Kollanoor Johny
Shijina Raj Manjankattil Rajan
Dhananjai Muringattu Prabhakaran
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