College of Science & Engineering
Twin Cities
This group's general research interests are in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), where they focus on advancing foundations of AI/ML to solve challenging real-world problems with high societal impact. The overarching theme of this research program is AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery and Engineering Design. Specific topics include:
Probabilistic modeling (Gaussian processes, deep models, and their combination) over combinatorial structured data in small supervised data settings
Combining domain knowledge and data to create structured models with uncertainty quantification
Sequential decision-making under uncertainty for data acquisition to achieve target goals (e.g., design optimization, discovery, predictive models, decision policies) in a resource-efficient manner
Applications: accelerate the discovery of nanoporous materials for sustainability applications (e.g., carbon capture and storage/separation of gases); accelerate the design of effective, safe, and low-cost drugs/vaccines; and design of high-performance and low-power hardware to overcome Moore’s law