Research News


MSI PI Cavan Reilly (professor, Biostatistics) is a co-author on a recent study that found that

Computer Science

Citizen-science projects include thousands of people who sort through huge datasets. Now these human volunteers have a partner - computers with sophisticated image-recognition capabilities.


MSI PI Brian Steffenson (professor, Plant Pathology) is the co-lead on a recently published method that will help researchers


MSI PI George Weiblen (professor, Plant and Microbial Biology) is featured in a story about genomic research

Ecology and Environment

A group of University of Minnesota climate experts, including MSI PIs, spoke recently to a new Minnesota House committee about climate change in the state.

Ecology and Environment

MSI PI Gabe Chan (assistant professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs)  has been providing insights into Excel Energy’s recen
