Research News

Ecology and Environment

MSI PI Marla Spivak (professor, Entomology), an internationally known expert on bees, appeared recently on PBS’s Newshour

Ecology and Environment

The Large Lakes Observatory at UM Duluth has had a huge mooring in Lake Superior for the past coupl


The Spring issue of the University of Minnesota Foundation’s Legacy magazine features a story about MSI PI Theresa Reineke


MSI PI Clark Chen (professor and head, Neurosurgery) is featured in a tv news story about a young man who is participa


Several MSI PIs are studying the brain and its development. Two of them, A.

Ecology and Environment

The University of Minnesota Duluth's Large Lakes Observatory (LLO), which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, has added camer

Ecology and Environment

MSI PI Gene-Hua (Crystal) Ng (Earth Sciences) studies connections between the hydrological cycle and other aspects of the environmen

Social Science

The research group of MSI PI Jed Elison (assistant professor, Institute of Child Development) is featured in the Spring/Summer 2019 i
