Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Associate Professor Michael McAlpine (Mechanical Engineering) is featured in the U’s Fa
A study just published in the prestigious journal Nature shows that tree growth in northern Minnesota’s forests will slow down as the climate warms.
Professor Maria Gini (Computer Science and Engineering) is featured in the U’s Fall 201
Professor Perry Hackett (Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development) is featured in the U’s
Research by MSI PI David Redish (professor, Neuroscience) was featured recently on the Office of the Vice President for Research’
MSI PI Logan Spector (professor, Pediatrics; Masonic Cancer Center) is leading
The Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) was created to address the issues created by an increasing number of invasive plant and ani
MSI PI Doug Arnold (professor, Mathematics) is part of an international collaboration to study the basic science behind waves.
Four MSI PIs have published a paper in the journal Nature Materials in which they describe a new material that may improve computer processing and memory capabilities.
MSI PI Michael McAlpine (Mechanical Engineering) and colleagues recently published a study that showed how to use 3D printing technolo