VETMD Vet Population Med
College of Veterinary Medicine
Twin Cities
College of Veterinary Medicine
Twin Cities
Project Title:
Detection and Molecular Characterization of Novel Fish, Poultry, and Honeybee Pathogens
This group uses MSI for various projects:
- Characterizing novel pathogens and then developing molecular disgnostic tools for early detection of these novel pathogens
- Conducting a further survivability study of the above viruses and checking the efficacy of disinfectants
- Developing live attenuated vaccine for turkey arthritis reovirus
- Conducting molecular surveillance of the upper respiratory virome of wild birds, commercial poultry, and backyard poultry in different geographical areas
- Research into the avian respiratory virome
Project Investigators
Professor Sagar Goyal
Assistant Professor Sunil Mor
Vikash Singh
Nader Yaacoob
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