Research News


From the beginning, researchers at the University of Minnesota have been active in the effort to understand and fight SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


MSI PI Marco Pravetoni (associate professor, Pharmacology) and his colleagues are developing antibody-based methods to f


MSI PI Trevor Wardill (assistant professor, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior) and student Rachael Feord deve


MSI PI Laura Niedernhofer (professor, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics; director, Institute on the Biology of Agi


The shores of Lake Superior are home to varieties of rare, cold-weather plants known as arctic relicts. These plants have evolved to survive in the harsh conditions found in northern climates.


The lab of MSI PI Linda Kinkel (professor, Plant Pathology) used t

A startup company based on research by MSI PI Allison Hubel (professor, Mechanical Engineering) has won the MN Cup Grand Prize.


Wine made from Itasca, a cold-hardy grape developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota is available for the first time this year.
