Research News

Ecology and Environment

MSI PIs Nicholas Phelps and Jeff Forester, both assistant professors in the Department of Fisheries,

Ecology and Environment

MSI PI Vipin Kumar, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, was interviewed by Sierra magazine r

Ecology and Environment

MSI PI Michael Sadowsky (Director, BioTechnology Institute) and colleagues have published a new study indicating that bacteria and


MSI PI Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos (Computer Science and Engineering) and his research group are featured in

Ecology and Environment

In a new study, researchers have found an explanation about why more diverse stands of trees are more productive than stands with only one species.


MSI PIs are among the authors of a paper that announces a new technique for warming cryofrozen tissues.


Three MSI faculty users are principal investigators on a project to increase collaboration between University of Minnesota researchers and their counterparts in Latin America.
