Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Professor David Redish, an MSI PI in the Department of Neuros
MSI PIs Nicholas Phelps and Jeff Forester, both assistant professors in the Department of Fisheries,
MSI PI Vipin Kumar, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, was interviewed by Sierra magazine r
MSI PI Michael Sadowsky (Director, BioTechnology Institute) and colleagues have published a new study indicating that bacteria and
MSI PI Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos (Computer Science and Engineering) and his research group are featured in
In a new study, researchers have found an explanation about why more diverse stands of trees are more productive than stands with only one species.
Professor George Weiblen, an MSI PI in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology in the
MSI PIs are among the authors of a paper that announces a new technique for warming cryofrozen tissues.
MSI PI Jakub Tolar, a professor in the pediatrics department of the UM Medical School
Three MSI faculty users are principal investigators on a project to increase collaboration between University of Minnesota researchers and their counterparts in Latin America.