MSI News and Updates

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2011 MSI Research Exhibition on Monday, April 25.

Prospective students visiting the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) on March 7 saw a three-dimensional simulation of blood flow on the PowerWall in

On Saturday, Feb. 19, Senator Al Franken (DFL-MN) was at the LCSE-MSI Visualization Lab as part of a visit to the Medical Devices Center (MDC). Sen.

On Saturday, January 29, MSI staff represented us at the "Amantes de la Ciencia” event at the Science Museum of Minnesota.

MSI’s newest HPC resource, Koronis, is now operational and we are accepting proposals for its use.

MSI is pleased to announce that Jeff McDonald is the new MSI Assistant Director of HPC Operations, effective January 26, 2011.

MSI participated in the College of Science and Engineering’s Math and Science Family Fun Fair on Saturday, November 13th. More than 200 kids and their parents came to MSI’s booth at Coffman Union.

Intel has recently released a case study about their Xeon processors and software-development products that spotlights MSI.

MSI has recently been awarded an NIH grant to purchase a new SGI Altix UV 1000 supercomputer, which will be called "Koronis." This machine will be used by MSI researchers working on a number of NIH

On July 31, 2010, Professor Tom Jones, Department of Astronomy and MSI Fellow, stepped down after serving as MSI Interim Director for two years.
