MSI News and Updates

UPDATE: The new storage system will be activated on January 9, 2013. All data should be migrated to the new system during January - July 2013.

On September 17, 2012, MSI held an Informational Session to present an overview of our services. Slides and videos from this session are now available.

MSI is augmenting the capabilities of Itasca with an addition of 51 Intel SandyBridge nodes.

On June 27, two students visited MSI to learn about the MSI and the supercomputers.

The Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering (VSCSE), a national virtual education organization partially funded by the Great Lakes Con

Jeff McDonald, Assistant Director of HPC Operations, and Bill Hellriegel, Assistant to the Director, were interviewed at the Minnesota High Tech Association's Spring Conference on April 25, 2012.
