Research News

MSI, and more specifically, our Itasca supercomputer, was recently featured on a television program called "The Global Learning Series.” In the video you will see former MSI Director Tom Jones, as

In Summer 2010, MSI made available to its users its newest supercomputer, named Itasca, and Itasca is already making a world of difference to researchers at the university.

Professor and MSI Fellow Vipin Kumar (Computer Science and Engineering) will be leading an interdisciplinary team from the University of Minnesota and other universities nationwide in a $10 million

The University of Minnesota's latest solar car took second in the biennial American Solar Challenge race. This year's race went from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Chicago, Illinois on June 19-26, 2010.

Blue Waters, which is expected to be the world’s most powerful supercomputer for open scientific research when it goes online in 2011, is already providing researchers with opportunities for state-

Professor and MSI Associate Fellow Carrie Wilmot (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics) and her research team recently published an article in Science about a molecular image they have c

MSI Fellow and Principal Investigator Fotis Sotiropoulos, Director of the St.

The NSF is soliciting proposals for computing time on the Blue Waters petascale computing system now under construction at the University of Illinois.

MSI researchers are on a team that was recently awarded a $2.2 million grant from the Department of Energy for a project investigating using bacteria to produce biofuel.

TROPIX, a joint project between MSI and Mayo’s Bioinformatics group, is featured on the front page of the cagrid website.
