Awards and Honors

MSI Principal Investigator Robert Reich (Forest Resources) has been named a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Professor and MSI Fellow Jiali Gao of the Department of Chemistry and the Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology Program was recently named winner of the global annual IBM Faculty Award.

Two MSI Principal Investigators have recently won prestigious awards:

A BICB trainee at the University of Minnesota Rochester has won a prestigious IBM Ph.D. Fellowship for work he has done with Blue Gene and MSI on metabolic pathways.

Professor Jane Davidson (mechanical engineering), MSI Associate Fellow, has been awarded the Ada Comstock Distinguished Women Scholar Award for Spring 2009.

Five MSI researchers are among the new McKnight Land-Grant Professors for 2009-11 recently announced by the University.

Two MSI Principal Investigators, Regents Professor Donald Truhlar, (Chemistry, MSI Fellow), and Professor David Kohlstedt (Geology and Geophysics) have been awarded membership in the National Acade

Regents Professor David Tilman, an MSI Principal Investigator, has been named the 2008 recipient of the International Prize for Biology for his research proving that biodiversity makes ecosystems m

Professor Renata Wentzcovitch, Departmen t of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and MSI Fellow, has been awarded "The Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan." The award is presented b

Professor Steven Ruggles, Minnesota Population Center and a Principal Investigator at MSI, has been elected a University of Minnesota Regents Professor, the University's highest rank.
