
Hide Software Summary
Last Updated On: 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Support Level: 
Primary Support
Software Access Level: 
Limited Licenses
Software Categories: 
Drug Discovery
Structural Biology
Electronic Structure
Molecular Modeling and Simulation
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Schrödinger provides a complete suite of software solutions with the latest advances in pharmaceutical research and computational chemistry. These software are all available under Maestro, Schrödinger's single common graphical user interface that provides a powerful, fully-integrated molecular visualization and analysis environment. Schrödinger is widely recognized as a scientific leader in developing state-of-the-art chemical simulation software for use in pharmaceutical and biotechnology research. The company's products range from general molecular modeling programs to a full-featured suite of drug design software including both ligand and structure based methods. Schrödinger uses Maestro, a common graphical user interface to all of Schrödinger's software.

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General Linux
To run this software interactively in a Linux environment use the commands:
module load schrodinger
On a remote (ssh or NX) connection, use maestro's -SGL option for better graphics performance:

maestro -SGL

It is also possible to run maestro using our NICE remote-visualization systems for better performance than is possible on other remote connections. Establish a NICE connection as described in our NICE documentation, and then run the following commands in a terminal window inside the NICE session:

module load schrodinger

Please note that Schrodinger is only configured to submit jobs to Mesabi, so you must be connected to Mesabi if you would like to submit a job from the Maestro interface.

Additional Information

Home Page
Documentation can be found in the help menu in Maestro. See Help > Manual Index to access Schrodinger's library of tutorials and technical documentation.

Citrix Documentation: 

To run this software under Windows, connect using instructions provided on our Windows systems page. Once logged in, navigate to:

Start > All Programs > Schrodinger-2013-$VERSION

$VERSION is the version number of the Schrodinger installation.

Additional Information

Home Page
Documentation can be found in the help menu in Maestro. See Help > Manual Index to access Schrodinger's library of tutorials and technical documentation.