Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
NMRPipe is a system of spectral analysis tools by Frank Delaglio of NIH. The system provides facilities for conversion and processing of 1D-4D NMR spectra and spectral images, and for interactive processing and display of raw and processed data. Extensive options for inverse processing, Linear Prediction, Maximum Entropy, and user-written functions are provided. Many auxiliary facilities are included, such as multidimensional lineshape fitting, and general functional fitting with Monte Carlo error estimation. The system is designed to take advantage of the efficiency of UNIX pipes, hence its name
The package includes the following programs:
Home Page:
You must initialize your environment, including default paths and environment variables which the package uses to access the programs and database. To do so, start a 'C' shell (/bin/csh) and run the following command:
source /soft/nmrpipe/setup_8.1
Running NMRPipe
The Documentation can be found at the website http://spin.niddk.nih.gov/bax/software/NMRPipe