Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Friday, September 9, 2016
MSI's Mimics license is for academic use only. Commercial and clinical applications are forbidden under our current license agreement.
To view the calendar and/or reserve a license, please visit: Mimics License Reservations
1. Request access to Citrix at https://www.msi.umn.edu/citrixrequest
2. Connect to https://apps.umn.edu.
3. Click on Desktops > MSI VS Mimics 1 to launch the desktop.
4. Launch Mimics from:
Start Menu > All Programs > Materialise Software > Mimics Research$Version
$Version is the version number or year of the software.
We only have two Mimics licenses. To use Mimics we ask that you reserve time on one the Mimics calendars, calendar one or calendar two using these instructions. Reservations can be made on a calendar if you have a UMN Google account. If you have problems, send an email to help@msi.umn.edu with a subject such as 'Add reservations to Mimics calendars'.