Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
5.0.4, 5.2.4
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Gnuplot is a command-driven interactive function plotting program. If files are given, gnuplot loads each file with the load command, in the order specified. gnuplot exits after the last file is processed. It plots any number of functions, built up of C operators, C library functions, and some things C doesn't have, such as **, sgn(), etc. It also provides support for plotting data files, to compare actual data to theoretical curves, user-defined X and Y ranges (optional auto-ranging), smart axes scaling, and smart tick marks.
To run this software interactively in a Linux environment run the command :
To run gnuplot on a script that produces an output file and no immediate display, type
gnuplot myscript.plt
To run gnuplot on a script that immediately displays a plot, type
gnuplot -persist myscript.plt
Note, if you want to run gnuplot remotely, use X-forwarding to get plots displayed at your terminal. For example, from your local linux host you would start by logging into an MSI host (such as login) with
ssh -X username@login.msi.umn.edu
man gnuplot