
Software Summary


Default Module: 


Other Modules Available: 

g09.c01.MNGFM6.10, g09.e01, g16.b01, g16.c01, g16.c01.nbo7, g09.a02.nbo5, g09.c01.MNGFM6.10, g16.c01.nbo7, g09.d01, g16.a03

Last Updated On: 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Mesabi K40

Default Module: 
Other Modules Available: 
Last Updated On: 


Default Module: 
Other Modules Available: 

g09.e01, g16.c01, g09.a02.nbo5, g09.c01.MNGFM6.10, g16.c01.nbo7, g09.d01, g16.a03

Last Updated On: 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mangi v100

Default Module: 
Other Modules Available: 
Last Updated On: 


Default Module: 
Other Versions Available: 
Last Updated On: 
Last Updated On: 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Support Level: 
Primary Support
Software Access Level: 
RESTRICTED - Contact Helpdesk
Software Categories: 
Electronic Structure
Molecular Modeling and Simulation
Software Description

Gaussian performs semiempirical and ab initio molecular orbital (MO), density functional, and molecular mechanics calculations.

To use this program at MSI, please send a request to and ask to be added to the Gaussian group. To use Gaussian, you need to be a researcher at the Twin Cities campus.

MSI is in the process of deprecating some older, unused versions of Gaussian. Below is a list of modules that are slated for removal, and for each, a corresponding supported module. If you are using one of the deprecated modules, please transition to the listed supported module.


Deprecated Module Supported Module
gaussian/g09.d01 gaussian/g09.e01
g03 gaussian/g16.b01 (default)



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