Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
CREST (Clipping Reveals Structure) is a new algorithm for detecting genomic structural variations at base-pair resolution using next-generation sequencing data. Publication: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21666668
To run this software interactively in a Linux environment run the commands:
module load crest CREST.pl
Note: a standard workflow with CREST requires a BLAT server. Detailed instructions are in the README file distributed with the software (e.g., /soft/crest/1.0/bin/README). Your jobs should contain the following workflow:
# load the appropriate modules module load crest # Using the blat utility faToTwoBit program, convert the genome file to # a 2bit representation suitable for the gfServer faToTwoBit genome.seq.fasta genome.seq.2bit # start up the server gfServer start localhost 50000 /absolute/path/genome.seq.2bit & #sleep until you notice "Server ready for queries!", then run the CREST.pl # Gather up the soft clipped positions in your BAM alignment file. # NOTE: the BAM file must be sorted and indexed (e.g., using samtools) # prior to proceeding. extractSClip.pl -i your_mapping.bam --ref_genome genome.seq.fasta # If you are doing contrastative projects (e.g., tumors and normals) # the CREST README has some additional optional steps # Now run the SV detection script. # There are other options you can explore by simply typing 'CREST.pl' # or checking the README with the distribution. But here are the basics. CREST.pl -f your_mapping.bam.cover -d your_mapping.bam \ --ref_genome genome.seq.fasta -t /absolute/path/genome.seq.2bit \ --blatserver localhost --blatport 50000 >& crest_out.log # cleanup server gfServer stop localhost 50000